Doctoral Admissions - Projects
Projects Funded by External Agencies
Principal Investigator (LNMIIT) | Funding Amount | Project Title | Funding Agency and Duration of the Project |
Somnath Biswas | Rs 1356000 | Development of high hydrostatic pressure metal foams for hydrogen storage | DST, GoI 2013-2016 |
Anupam Singh | Rs 1200000 | Non-Equilibrium dynamics of quantum fields in cosmology with applications to dark energy and inflation | SERB, DST-GoI 2014-2017 |
Akhlaq Husain | Rs 1100000 | Least square non-conforming h-p Spectral Element Methods for three dimensional elliptic problems on non-linear smooth domains using parallel computers | DST, GoI 2013-2016 |
Ranjan Gangopadhyay | Rs 10296000 | Mobile Broadband Service Support Over Cognitive Radio Networks | ITRA, DeitY, GoI 2013-2018 |
Narendra Kumar | Rs 800000 | Tracing the Faultliness of Ethnic Conflict in the Postcolonial Indian Subcontinent: Narrative as a Socio-Political Discourse | ICSSR, GoI 2014-2016 |
Kamal Kishore Khatri | Rs 500000 | Development of Green Campus in The LNMIIT under the “Development of Solar Cities” programme of MNRE | MNRE, GoI 2014-2017 |
Somnath Biswas | Rs 958000 | Detection Of Bio-molecular interactions with TMR based sensing using magnetic nanotags | UGC-DAE 2014-2017 |
Subhayan Biswas | Rs 1100000 | Development Of Solar Cells Utilizing Quantum Dot Sensitized Titanium Oxide Nanotube | CSIR, GoI 2014-2017 |
Dheerendra Mishra | Rs 1507809 | Design and Analytics of Content Distribution Framework for Digital Rights Management System Based on Cryptographic Primitives | SERB, DST-GoI 2016-2019 |
Ganesh Datt Sharma | Rs 12500000 | Development of New Small Molecules and Device Architectures for Highly Efficient and Reliable Organic Solar Cells | DST, GoI 2017-2020 |
Ganesh Datt Sharma | Rs 2182400 | Novel Wide Bandgap Copolymers Featuring Excellent Comprehensive Characteristics Towards Practical Application for Organic Solar Cells | DST-RFBR (Indo-Russia Joint Project) 2018-2020 |
Abhishek Sharma | Rs 4288161 | Sign Language to Regional Language Converter (SLRC) | DST-SEED 2018-2021 |
Ashok Garai | Rs 2665203 | Elasticity of Telomeric DNA and the Effect of Human TRF1 Protein Binding | SERB, DST-GoI 2018-2021 |
Ganesh Datt Sharma | Rs 4920520 | Development of efficient polymer solar cells based on conjugated polymers and non fullerence small molecules acceptors with low energy loss | DST (BRICS) (India, Russai, China) 2018-2021 |
Ganesh Datt Sharma | Rs 1400000 | Low cost flexible organic solar cells based on non-fullerene acceptors as renewable energy conversion. | DST, GITA (Indo-Taiwan) 2018-2021 |
Somnath Biswas | Rs 3215520 | Evaluation of Electro-Chemical and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Novel Anode-Supported SOFC Membrane Electrolyte Assembly Structure for Intermediate Temperature Applications | SERB, DST-GoI 2018-2021 |
Vikas Gupta | Rs 5800000 | FIST (Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Education Institutes) | DST-FIST 2018-2023 |
Somnath Biswas | Rs 1480000 | Magneto-transport Studies of ZnO Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions Fabricated by Ion Implantation | UGC-DAE 2019-2022 |
Nikhil Sharma | Rs 3517096 | Energy Efficient RF/VLC Networks for IoT Applications | SERB, DST-GoI 2019-2022 |
Joyeeta Singha | Rs 2383686 | Multimodal user interface for assisting elderly people in indoor environment | DST-SEED 2019-2022 |
Somnath Biswas | Half-metalic CrO2 based spintronic devices in single-walled carbon nanotube field effect transistor (SWCNT-FET) configuration | DeiTY 2012-2016 | |
Manish Dev Shrimali | Rs 1087200 | Information Processing with Chaotic Neural Networks | DST, GoI 2009-2012 |
Manish Dev Shrimali | Rs 441000 | Synchronization of neuronal networks depending on input signals | DST, GoI 2011-2013 |
Arti Kashyap | Rs 1410000 | Computational nano-engineering of nanostructures | DST, GoI 2009-2013 |
Deepak Rajendra Unune | Rs 4227520 | Fabrication and finishing of micro-channels for micro-heat exchangers and micro-reactors | SERB, DST-GoI 2017-2020 |
Kshitiz Verma | Rs 1830000 | IndoLegal2Vec: Learning Word and Document Representations from Hindi and English Indian Legal Corpus to Help Enable Faster Delivery of Justice | SERB, DST-GoI 2019-2022 |
Sandesh S. Chougule | A novel concentrator photovoltaic systems combined with confined jet impingement andthermoelectric generator in an integrated design-Experimental study | DST-SERB 2020-2023 |