The LNM Institute of Information Technology




  • Institute received Extension of Approval to run all the Engineering Programmes in academic session 2024-25, vide letter number F.No. North-West/1-43656177548/2024/EOA, dated 13-May-2024.
  • Institute received Extension of Approval to run all the Engineering Programmes in academic session 2023-24, vide letter number F.No. North-West/1-40382192893/2023/EOA, dated 03-June-2023.
  • Institute received Extension of Approval to run all the Engineering Programmes in academic session 2022-23, vide letter number F.No. North-West/1-10969880923/2022/EOA, dated 02-July-2022.

AICTE Letter of Approval (LoA)

Extension of Approvals

Mandatory Disclosure