The LNM Institute of Information Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Research Centers


  • Leading research and development in emerging areas of cryptography, information security, cybersecurity and digital forensics.
  • Develop and validate new techniques for securing tomorrow’s global information system infrastructure by exploring theoretical and practical applications and long-term academic research.
  • Construct innovative security technologies and methodologies concerning both theoretical and practical aspects that improve the country’s ability to addressing current and future security challenges.


The Center promotes and facilities interdisciplinary research & education in Cryptology, Cyber Security and Digital forensics among faculties, researchers and students. The Centre focuses on cutting-edge research and development in the relevant fields to builds next-generation expert and researchers to provide security solutions in global markets.

Center for Cryptology, Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics

Centre for Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics


To become a sustainable center of excellence in the areas of Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics pursuing fundamental and applied research in a multi-disciplinary framework that objectifies the goals of achieving top innovations and societal advancements.


To focus on the following research topics –

Fundamental Research – To work in the areas of Data Mining, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Network Analytics, Computer Vision, Web Science, Big Data, Information Retrieval and Deep Learning.

Applied Research – To work in the areas of information diffusion in social media, bias and web privacy, healthcare, music information retrieval and action recognition in sports.

Research Group

The InterMedia (Internet of Multimedia Things) Research Group is an interdisciplinary research group motivated to conduct state-of-art real life projects in the domain of multimedia processing. The emphasis is on innovation and product development for socially relevant problems.

The objectives of InterMedia are:

  • Application of multimedia processing for product-based development
  • Multimedia data analysis
  • Collaboration with academic and research organizations

Major areas of focus are Human Activity Analysis and Recognition, Multimedia Data Compression, Multimedia Mining, Protection and Security of Images and Videos, Multimedia Analysis and Processing, Biometrics, Remote Sensing, Medical Data Analysis, Speech and Language Processing, Multimodal data processing in various application domains.


InterMedia Group

Research Area

Research Areas


Data Science

Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Recommender Systems, Social Network Analysis, Web Science

Artificial Intelligence

Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Modeling, Intelligent Agent based Modelling, Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning, Distributed Constraint Optimization, Digital Twin, Semantic measures, Knowledge graph 

Computer Vision & Image Processing

Image and Video Processing, Deep Learning, Document Analysis, Depth Estimation, Biomedical Signal Processing, Hyper-spectral Image Analysis, Medical Imaging

Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems

Ubiquitous Computing, Wearable Computing Systems, Ad-hoc Networks, Real-time Scheduling, Network Protocol Design, Network-on-Chip and Communication-Centric Design

Information & Cyber Security

Blockchain Technology, Cloud Security, Mobile Security, Security & Privacy, Cryptology, Post-Quantum Cryptography, Web Application Security, Application of Machine Learning in Cyber Security

Software Engineering & Applications

Software Testing, Project Management, Software and Performance Engineering, Software Defect Prediction, Software Quality Assurance

Theoretical computer science

Biocomputing and Automata Theory, Formal Methods for Program Analysis and Verification

Natural Language Processing

Large Language Models, Multilingual Models, NLP for Indian Languages, Deep Learning for NLP

Computational Sciences

Modeling & Simulation of Stochastic Systems, Computational Neuroscience, Queueing Theory, Information Theory

Sponsor Research Projects

Title of the Project Funding Agency Name of PI/ Co-PI Funding Amount Duration Status
Lightweight proxy re-encryption technology and its application in medical Internet of Thing
National Foreign Specialized Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China
Dr. Jayprakash Kar, Dept. of CSE, The LNMIIT, Jaipur
120,000 CNY ~ 17,306 USD
02 years (2022-2024)
In Progress
IndoLegal2Vec: Learning Word and Document Representations from Hindi and English Indian Legal Corpus to Help Enable Faster Delivery of Justice
DST, Govt. of India
Dr. Kshitiz Verma
Rs. 18,30,000.00
In Progress


Title of Patent Investor(s) name Application no. Status
A Standalone Security Device and System for Initiating a Preemptive Action for Providing a Safe Environment to Women in a Vehicle
Preety Singh, Rajbir Kaur, Sunil Kumar
System and Method for Performing Surveillance of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Praveen Kumar

Patents before 2016

Title of Patent Investor(s) name Application no. Status
Method and System for Performing a Memory Written in an Unmanaged Programming Language
Vishv Mohan Malhotra
Method and System for Identifying Regression Test Cases for a Software
Ravi Prakash Gorthi
Method for Providing Context Aware Access in Global Software Project Management
Ravi Prakash Gorthi
Method and System for Generating Functional Test Cases
Ravi Prakash Gorthi
Integrated and Plateform Independent Approach to Modeling of Business Rules Using Business and Application Domain Ontologies
Ravi Prakash Gorthi
Method and System for Generating Test Cases for a Software Application
Ravi Prakash Gorthi