1. | Heat Transfer in Natural Convection | To study the heat transfer in natural convection. | K.C. Engineers | Model No. KCHT-052 |
2. | Heat Transfer in Forced Convection | To study the heat transfer in Forced convection. | K.C. Engineers | Model No. KCHT-051 |
3. | Parallel Flow/Counter Flow Heat Exchanger | To study the heat transfer phenomena in parallel/counter flow arrangements. | K.C. Engineers | Model No. KCHT-011 |
4. | Stefan Boltzmann’s Apparatus | To study the radiation heat transfer by black body and to study the effect of hemisphere temperature on it. | K.C. Engineers | Model No KCHT-072 |
5. | Emissivity Measurement Apparatus | To study the radiation heat transfer by black plate and test plate | K.C. Engineers | Model No KCHT-071 |
6. | Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod | To study the heat transfer through conduction in metal rod | K.C. Engineers | Model No. KCHT-034 |
7. | Thermal Conductivity of Liquids | To study the heat transfer through liquid | K.C. Engineers | Model No. KCHT-033 |
8. | Heat Pipe Demonstrator | To demonstrate the super thermal conductivity of heat pipe and to compare its working with best conductor | K.C. Engineers | Model No. KCHT-003 |
9. | Condensation in Drop Wise Film Wise Forms With Mini Steam Boiler And Pressure Release Valve | To determine the overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of both Drop and Film wise Condensation. | TECH-ED | HSN Code -90 |
10. | Test Rig To Check CHF Performance on Nanostructures Surface | Finding critical heat flux point for a given metal wire. | Avishkar | NA |
11. | Two Phase Heat Transfer Apparatus (Boiling Heat Transfer Unit) | To study the two phase heat transfer phenomena for pool boiling of Methylane Chloride. | TECH-ED | HSN Code -90 |
12. | Data acquisition System 16 channel | To measure the physical characteristics | Key sight | 34972A |
13. | Flow Metering System | To measure the volume or mass of liquid | Dewpond | UIP-1600D-PMH |
14. | Refrigeration Test Rig (Charged with nano-refrigerant) | To conduct experiments and demonstrate the process of cooling of water | CVG | Qo8437 |
15. | Test Rig on Boiling Heat Transfer | To study the boiling heat transfer | CUSTOMIZED |
16. | Jet Impingement Cooling Test Rig | For improving the temperature uniformity | CUSTOMIZED |
17. | Refrigerated / Heating Circulator | To temperature control cooling applications. | Julabo | FP50 |
18. | Ultrasonic liquid Processor | To agitate particles in solution | Johnson | ULP-1000 |
19. | Micro pump | Miniature fluid delivery device | Rotomotive | EFF2 |