The LNM Institute of Information Technology

Mechatronics Laboratory

About Laboratory

Name of Laboratory:Mechatronics Lab
Year of Establishment:2014
Faculty In-change:Dr. Mohit Makkar
Technical Staff:Mr. Udayveer Singh
Sr.NoName of EquipmentGeneric purpose of equipmentMakeModel/version
1.Compact RIO standard 8-slot chassis system serviceTo Interface multiple drives & Measure Current and Voltage using Ethernet (Ethernet Expansion Chassis for C Series Modules)NI Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore960850-08
2.Autonomous Robotics System Design Platform (5 Units)Embedded deployment platform that integrates a real-time processor, reconfigurable field-programmable gate array (FPGA), and analog and digital I/O on a single board.NI Systems India Pvt. Ltd. , Bangalore960901-01
3.Embedded control PlatformTo design Embedded system hardware projects (Having controller and other multiple accessories )NI Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore960901-01
4.Mechatronics System Design PlatformTo interface various sensors and drives with myRIO (Embedded Hardware).NI Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore960901-01
5.Cathode Ray Oscilloscope CRO (5 unit)To analyse various waveform signalsScientific Mes Technik Pvt.Ltd. , IndoreSM203-M
6.Easyport Training Kit (2 unit)An interface for measuring, open-loop control, closed-loop control. Connects the simulation to the real world.Festo India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore548687
7.Modular production System-Distributing StationTo teach – pick and place operation using Pneumatic cylinder (Rotary, Linear) using PLCFesto India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore15185984
8.Netgear Wireless RouterTo fulfil wireless network data requirement in various hardwareNetGearJWNR2010
9.Soldering StationTo fulfil soldering requirementDuraTool/ Element 14 BangaloreD00661
10.LME EV3 Core Set (LEGO)To Learn building & basic programming of RobotsTechtronics Education India Limited, Gurgaon45544
11.TETRIX Education base setMetal structures to build robotsTechtronics Education India Limited, Gurgaon39143
12.LME EV3 expansion setTo Learn building & programming of Basic RobotsTechtronics Education India Limited, Gurgaon45560
13.Tetrix Resource SetMetal structures to build robotsTechtronics Education India Limited, Gurgaon31900
14.Multipurpose PC based process control system (SCADA software)To teach various control processes using SCADA softwareAnshuman Tech Pvt. Ltd. PuneXPO/PCT-PTF
15.Vacuum Cleaning RobotTo teach robot path planning and various sensorsiROBOTiRobot 600 series
16.IMAX B6 5A multipurpose battery chargerTo charge various LIPO batteriesIMAX (Robokits India, AhmedabadIMAX B6
17.Logitech HD webcam (Black)Camera for RobotsLogitechC270
18.Logitech HD webcam (Black)Camera for RobotsLogitechC270
19.Logitech HD webcam (Black)Camera for RobotsLogitechC270
20.Logitech HD webcam (Black)Camera for RobotsLogitechC310
21.Logitech HD webcam (Black)Camera for RobotsLogitechC310
22.TP-Link wireless Router (Grey)To fulfil wireless network data requirement in various hardwareTP-Link ChinaTL-MR3020
23.TP-Link wireless RouterTo fulfil wireless network data requirement in various hardwareTP-Link ChinaTL-WR841N
24.Netgear wi-fi Router (White)To fulfil wireless network data requirement in various hardwareNetGearWNR614 N300
25.NetGear wireless routerTo fulfil wireless network data requirement in various hardwareNetGearWNR614 N300
26.Dell Computer optiplex 9020 with Dell monitor (Dell keyboard + Dell Mouse +wifi) 16GB RAM and 500 GB HDDTo fulfil computer requirement in LaboratoryDELLOptiplex 9020
27.Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)To analyze & measurement of various signalScientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Scientech 401
28.DC Regulated Power SupplyTo fulfil DC power requirementMetroQMetroQ 30V/1A
29.10 User LabVIEW Academic site License for 5 Years (software)Graphical environment software for creating National Instrument hardware projectsNI Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
30.Ciros Education Twelve license (software)Virtual Environment for MPS stationFesto India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
31.Ciros studio Single License (software)Virtual Environment for MPS stationFesto India Pvt. Ltd. , Bangalore
32.ROBOTIC software classroom (software)Lego Robot programming softwareTechtronics Education India Limited, Gurgaon
33.LME EV3 software site license V24 (software)Lego graphical softwareTechtronics Education India limited, Gurgaon
34.Multisim Education 10 User licenseTo design Electronic Circuits (PCB)NI Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
35.Ultiboard Education 10 user licenseTo print PCB LayoutNI Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
36.Step 7 Programming Software, Twelve License (software)PLC programming toolFesto India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
37.WinCC single License (software)SCADA softwareFesto India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
38.Mechatronics Assistant Two License (software)Virtual Environment for AutomationFesto India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
39.Proteus 10 User LicenseVirtual environment for circuit design and simulationLab Center Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

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