The LNM Institute of Information Technology

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Akash Gupta

Date of joining:


Electronics and Communication Engineering



Research Area

Optical Wireless Communication, Visible Light Communication, Cooperative Communication, Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer, Machine learning in wireless communication.

Personal information







Dr. Akash Gupta

Assistant Professor

Electronics and Communication Engineering


1, NOMA assisted underwater visible light communication system with full-duplex cooperative relaying, Vehicular Communications, NOMA assisted underwater visible light communication system with full-duplex cooperative relaying, Vehicular Communications OCT 2021 IndexedIn : [Scopus,WoS,UGC CARE List] Elsevier Vehicular Communications DOI :,
2 A. Kumar, P. Garg and Akash Gupta, "PLS Analysis in an Indoor Heterogeneous VLC/RF Network Based on Known and Unknown CSI,", , "PLS Analysis in an Indoor Heterogeneous VLC/RF Network Based on Known and Unknown CSI," in IEEE Systems Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2964033. JAN 2020 ,
3 M. Jain, N. Sharma, Akash Gupta, D. Rawal and P. Garg, "Performance Analysis of NOMA Assisted Underwater Visible Light Communication System,", "Performance Analysis of NOMA Assisted Underwater Visible Light Communication System," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. JUN 2020 ,
4 M. Jain, N. Sharma, Akash Gupta, D. Rawal and P. Garg, "Performance Analysis of NOMA Assisted Mobile Ad hoc Networks for Sustainable Future Radio Access,", "Performance Analysis of NOMA Assisted Mobile Ad hoc Networks for Sustainable Future Radio Access," in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. JUN 2020 ,

Expert lectures

1July2021Expert Lecture on "Applications of AI/ML in Wireless Communications," in the one-week online FDP on “Recent Trends of Artificial Intelligence in Electronics Devices and Systems” organized by the Department of ECE, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida from 19th July to 24th July 2021. JULY 2021
2September2021Speaker (resource person) for the Five-day’s International Online FDP on "5G, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence: Research Trends and Applications”, organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering In association with IEEE Bangalore Section- Information Theory Society Chapter, IETE Bangalore Section, and IEEE Atria Student Branch. SEPT 2021

Workshop attended

1WorkshopMarch2021IITK Nextgen Training and Research School (NTRS) on PYTHON + R Projects for 5G Wireless Technologies
2WorkshopFebruary2021National Level STTP on "Understanding Blockchain Technology and its Application", 15/02/2021 - 19/02/2021
3TrainingDecember2016Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies: A PHY-layer perspective, at VNIT, Nagpur
4TrainingJuly2013Faculty development program on "Digital Signal Processing Algorithms and their Implementation"

Workshop conducted

1WorkshopJune2014Student conference on Advances in Electrical and Information Communication Technology (AEICT).