1 | Shipra Bhatia, M. V. Deepak Nair, "Frequency Agile Slotted Diagonally Sliced Elliptically Polarized Square Patch Antenna", "Frequency Agile Slotted Diagonally Sliced Elliptically Polarized Square Patch Antenna", International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Smart Communication, pp.583-588, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0633-8_58 JAN 2020 , |
2 | Shipra Bhatia, M. V. Deepak Nair, "Single Feed Corner Trimmed Circularly Polarized Diagonal Patch Antenna", "Single Feed Corner Trimmed Circularly Polarized Diagonal Patch Antenna", International Conference on Optical & Wireless Technologies (OWT2019), 2019. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-2926-9_41 JAN 2020 , |
3 | Aayush Pandey and M V Deepak Nair, "Inset Fed Miniaturized Antenna with Defected Ground Plane for LoRa Applications", "Inset Fed Miniaturized Antenna with Defected Ground Plane for LoRa Applications", , Procedia Computer Science, January 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2020.04.228. JAN 2020 , |
4 | Shubham Kalra, Ritam Gupta, and M V Deepak Nair, "A Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Fed Bandwidth Tunable Crescent Structure Based Wide Band Antenna for WiMAX and WLAN Applications", "A Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Fed Bandwidth Tunable Crescent Structure Based Wide Band Antenna for WiMAX and WLAN Applications" Oct. 2020. International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020). OCT 2020 , |
5 | Shipra Bhatia, M. V. Deepak Nair, "Frequency Reconfigurable Elliptically Polarized Slotted Diagonally Trimmed Patch Antenna", "Frequency Reconfigurable Elliptically Polarized Slotted Diagonally Trimmed Patch Antenna",International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics and Wireless Networks (IMICPW), 2019. MAY 2019, |
6 | Ritam Gupta, Shubham Kalra, M V Deepak Nair, "Frequency Reconfigurable Hexagonal Shaped Patch Antenna for WLAN Applications", "Frequency Reconfigurable Hexagonal Shaped Patch Antenna for WLAN Applications", 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMARC), 2019. DOI: 10.1109/IMaRC45935.2019.9118674 DEC 2019, |
7 | Ritam Gupta, Shubham Kalra, M V Deepak Nair, "A Novel Frequency Reconfigurable Patch Antenna for WLAN Applications", "A Novel Frequency Reconfigurable Patch Antenna for WLAN Applications", 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP), Dec, 2019. 10.1109/InCAP47789.2019.9134484 DEC 2019 , |
8 | D. N. Maroor Vikraman, R. Giofre, and P. Colantonio, "Enhancing Power Efficiency of Doherty Power Amplifiers Using Windowing Based Crest Factor Reduction Technique", "Enhancing Power Efficiency of Doherty Power Amplifiers Using Windowing Based Crest Factor Reduction Technique", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 63, 63-74, 2016. MAY 2016 , |
9 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Giofr´e, P. Colantonio, and R. Danieli, “Effects of Digital Predistortion and Crest Factor Reduction Techniques on Efficiency and Linearity Trade-Off in Class AB GaN-PA,”, “Effects of Digital Predistortion and Crest Factor Reduction Techniques on Efficiency and Linearity Trade-Off in Class AB GaN-PA,” EuMC/EuMIC, Paris, 2015, pp. 1–4 SEPT 2015 , |
10 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Giofr´e, P. Colantonio, and F. Giannini,, “Sequential Asymmetric Superposition Windowing for Crest Factor Reduction and its Effects on Doherty Power Amplifier,”, “Sequential Asymmetric Superposition Windowing for Crest Factor Reduction and its Effects on Doherty Power Amplifier,” INMMIC, 2015, pp. 1–4, Oct. 2015. OCT 2015, |
11 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Giofr´e, P. Colantonio, L. Piazzon and F. M. Ghannouchi, “Effects of Windowing Based Crest Factor Reduction Technique on Digitally Predistorted PAs for Multicarrier WCDMA,”, “Effects of Windowing Based Crest Factor Reduction Technique on Digitally Predistorted PAs for Multicarrier WCDMA,” IWS, 2015, pp. 1–4. MAR 2015 , |
12 | F. Costanzo, R. Giofr´e, P. Colantonio, L. Piazzon, F. Giannini, and M. V Deepak Nair, , “A Design method for tri-band Doherty Power Amplifier,”IWS Wireless Symposium, 2015, pp. 1 – 3 APRIL 2015, , “A Design method for tri-band Doherty Power Amplifier,”IWS Wireless Symposium, 2015, pp. 1 – 3 APRIL 2015 , |
13 | R. Giofr´e, F. Costanzo, M. V Deepak Nair, P. Colantonio, F. Giannini, “Designing a Tri-Band Concurrent Doherty Power Amplifier,”, “Designing a Tri-Band Concurrent Doherty Power Amplifier,” INMMIC, 2015, pp. 1–4 OCT 2015 , |
14 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Giofr ´e, P. Colantonio, and L. Piazzon, A comparative study on digital predistortion techniques for Doherty amplifier for LTE applications,, A comparative study on digital predistortion techniques for Doherty amplifier for LTE applications,”INMMIC, 2014, pp. 1 – 4 NOV 2014 , |
15 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Giofr ´e, L.Piazzon and P. Colantonio,, “An Overview of RF Power Amplifier Digital Predistortion Techniques for Wireless Communication Systems,”, , “An Overview of RF Power Amplifier Digital Predistortion Techniques for Wireless Communication Systems,” Proceedings of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio electronics ISSN: 1818-0442 Tomsk,Russia, vol.2 (26), part 2 , pp.152-157 DEC 2012 , |
16 | M. V Deepak Nair, and R. Tomar , “A Case Study on The Accuracy Of 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Tools in The Design of Microstrip Components,”, “A Case Study on The Accuracy Of 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Tools in The Design of Microstrip Components,” Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium 2012, pp. 1–4 JAN 2012 , |
17 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Tomar, and P. Bhartia, “A Novel Inset-Fed Patch Antenna using Dumbbell Shaped Defected Ground Plane Structures,”, “A Novel Inset-Fed Patch Antenna using Dumbbell Shaped Defected Ground Plane Structures,” IEEE AMEREM, Ottawa 2010, pp. 257-260 NOV 2010 , |
18 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Tomar, and P. Bhartia, “Design, Build and Test of Compact Microwave Integrated Circuits Using the Latest Commercially Available 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Tools,”, “Design, Build and Test of Compact Microwave Integrated Circuits Using the Latest Commercially Available 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Tools,” IEEE ICMARS, 2010, pp. 1-4 NOV 2010 , |
19 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Tomar, and P. Bhartia,, “The Use of 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Tools in the Design of Microwave Integrated Circuits: An Accuracy Assessment,”, “The Use of 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Tools in the Design of Microwave Integrated Circuits: An Accuracy Assessment,” IEEE COMCAS, 2009, pp. 1-3 NOV 2009, |
20 | M. V Deepak Nair, R. Tomar, and P. Bhartia, “Multi-section Dumbbell Shaped Defected Groundplane Structures for Designing Microstrip Filters with Large Stopband Rejection and Controllable Centre Frequency,”, “Multi-section Dumbbell Shaped Defected Groundplane Structures for Designing Microstrip Filters with Large Stopband Rejection and Controllable Centre Frequency,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications, pp. 249-251 DEC 2008 , |