Research Published Nationally
Hold over thousand volumes
Sponsored research budget
LNMIIT’s culture of collaboration drives innovative discoveries in areas vital to our world, our health and our intellectuals life.
Explore the Ph.D. programs in Engineering, Sciences, Humanities, and Social Sciences at LNMIIT, Jaipur. Discover additional information about the research endeavors within the institute.
Ternary polymer solar cells employing two polymers (P2, PTB7-Th) and one non-fullerene small molecule...
In our labs, students can gain hands-on experience and learn important research skills, while faculty can pursue research projects and collaborate with colleagues both within and outside of the institution. Overall, our labs play a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge and preparing the next generation.
The institute has created the following specialised centres as part of its select focus on sustainable innovation enablement and technology-based opportunity.
Centre for Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics is set up with a vision to be a sustainable centre of excellence in terms of research, innovation, development and new venture creation in Machine Learning, Big Data, Business Analytics, Information Retrieval and associated areas.
The Centre for Robotics and Industrial Automation aims to create innovation based technological solution in the field of Robotics and Industrial Automation for the industry and society. Focus on quality research and development through multi- disciplinary and collaborative approach.
The The Centre for Energy and Environmental Studies shall primarily work towards identification of key energy-specific (monitoring, transformation and management and environmental engineering and technology-specific societal and business needs that required technology-based solutions.
College library is a crucial resource for students, faculty, and staff. It provides access to a wide range of academic materials, including books, journals and support research
Our colleges often engage in research and development activities, which may result in the creation of new technologies, inventions, and other forms of intellectual property
College library is a crucial resource for students, faculty, and staff. It provides access to a wide range of academic materials, including books, journals and support research